Thursday, December 13, 2007

6 more days!

Ok! Tomorrow is my last day at work until February! Isn't that crazy! I am so excited to have a break and to finally see Eli!

Well... the day that we found out when Eli would be born was actually a disaster. haha...we can laugh about it now, but Wes and I were not happy with each other that day. One of the biggest reasons was because I had washed and packed up all the maternity clothes that my friend Angela had let me borrow, which by the way was hundreds of dollars worth. Well, Wes was trying to be nice and take some stuff to a donation drop off that we had both packed up...well...he ended up taking Angela's clothes and dropping them into the little barn drop off station!

We called the number on the side and it turned out that the one he put the clothes in didn't belong to them and there was no contact information for it. Great... All I said to him was "WES. You HAVE to get those clothes back." What you are about to see is his how he did it.


Catherine said...

Oh my gosh! Too funny!! By the way, pretty sure that is Christian Care of Wylie's drop off...Next time, call them! :)

Unknown said...

Can I just tell you how hard I lauged at this video! It was AWESOME! I'm sure it was not when it happened, but now the clothes are back! Yay! Your husband really does love you! :0)

A Mere Thought said...

OMG. That could have been a disaster...Way to redeem yourself, Wes.

I think Steve may be on drugs.

The Mellberg Family said...

Too funny! Try to enjoy your last week as a free couple.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! So funny. I guess he had better be glad he was able to get them out of there, huh?

Susanlee said...

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Wes obviously loves you, and you so deserve a boy that would crawl into a donation bin for you.