So, you know how I'm starting a new website (I just had to retype that word 3 times because I kept typing wesbite... hmm...)? Well, I haven't been able to work on it too much yet, but I DID get a Canon 40D which just happens to be one of the most incredible cameras EVER! I'm learning how to use it and how to edit pictures... slowly... but I'm so excited about it! I'm not becoming a professional photographer so when my site gets something on it, keep that in mind. But I'm hoping that by the end of the summer I'll have enough stuff on there to share it with everyone and people can start using it! yay!
At work we have to give out awards to our top students in our classes. If you teach 100 kids or less, which I do, you can only choose 3 people to give an award to. ugghh... I hate choosing! There are always way more than 3 people who deserve the award. And then after the ceremony, the other kids in your class will hear who got the award and I'm sure some of them feel kind of strange as to why they didn't get chosen. Honestly I'm sure it's much more of an emotional strain on me than them, but I just would never want any of them to feel any like I didn't want to give them an award. I'm really not playing into that whole mindset of "everyone's a winner!" but there truly are A LOT of my students who work really hard that deserve to be recognized publicly. hmm... I love those kids.