Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Moving right along...


Monday I was sick. Didn't go to work. blah...

Tuesday I felt much better. Went to work. Around 4:00 I got a headache that seriously did not go away until today. just a little blah...

Today I felt horrible!!! I felt sick to my stomach along with the headache. blah...

Right now I am feeling much better. I've been taking my medicine still, I've eating about half a sleeve of crackers, and I think that's it!

Hopefully whatever this was is gone and I can move on!

Speaking of... I really hope Eli makes it to the next round! Tomorrow is the last day... I'm kind of nervous, once again. :)

I hope your day was much better than mine! It's getting cold over here!  


Ashley McWhorter said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. A sleeve of crackers always helps! :)

It's getting cold over there???? It was 87 here today and we were sweating while we played at the park. :)

CC said...

how did the next round go????