Monday, October 26, 2009

"BUG!!" (says my screaming child)

Yesterday, well, about 10 minutes of yesterday, was terrible. Eli and I just got home from getting groceries and I was letting Ebony out and he always to go with her. So, out the back door they went. I can see Eli through the kitchen windows and he was doing his usual thing of finding random outdoor toys and playing with them. As I was putting the groceries away I heard Eli crying! I looked out the window and then I heard him screaming!

I ran out there as fast as I could and he was holding his hand screaming "BUG!" It was awful! I looked at his finger and there was a stinger on the side of his pointer. I scooped him up, ran inside, sat him on the counter and took out the stinger so I wouldn't lose it. He just kept screaming and crying "mama, MAMA!" and I just kept trying not to panic.

I washed his hands, gave him some Motrin and called Kelli (nurse) who is married to Justin (pharmacist) to see what I was supposed to do! By this point (probably 10 minutes after the sting) Eli is already running around the house, playing drums of course, and is no longer crying. He just would kind of whimper when he would hit his finger or try to use it. Kelli and Justin gave me the scoop and all was fine with Eli.

I tried to find what stung him but I couldn't. What does it look like to you? A bee? A wasp? I have never been stung by anything besides an ant before so I have no idea. Y'all it was terrible. Just seeing him in pain like that!! (shudders) It totally freaked me out. But, he is fine, thank you God, and apparently wasn't allergic to whatever hurt him.

We aren't completely done decorating Judah's nursery yet, but my mom found the most adorably precious wall art at Kirkland's on sale and thought they would be perfect for his room! I can't wait to get it all done! She also found some blackout curtains for a good price on Amazon, so hopefully we'll be able to get those too! Eli and Judah's rooms face the sun at all times it feels like! It's great to have fun bright rooms but really annoying when the light doesn't chill out!

I am continuously getting bigger and bigger. I feel full term. I walk full term. I complain full term (sorry Wes). But, I am not full term. More than the frustrations and uncomfortableness of being pregnant, I just truly long to see my new son. I can't wait to see him, smell him, hold him, kiss him, and be near him (without that whole him living inside my body thing). Five and a half more weeks...

Wes and I have really been good at trying to stay connected and intentional about spending time together as a family, which was one of our reasons for eating at home more often. Well, in August I started the good ole family calendar for the fridge where I can plan meals, write down when Wes will be gone, when I have appointments, when we have dates, just whatever. It's actually been really nice because it's seeing both of our calendars on one central location, but it has also opened our eyes to how much we plan in our lives. Each month starts off kind of empty and then more and more things come our way, we say yes to most of them, and the calendar begins to fill.

I think Wes and I both love being with our friends, seeing our family, working, stuff like that. But sometimes, we just feel like we're missing out on each other or our family of 3 time. I'm going to be better at scheduling those times for us on our calendar, and not just scheduling time for everyone else.


Kelli said...

I love how most Sundays are pizza. A girl after my own heart!

Amanda said...

haha of course!! But did you notice that I did actually add a salad to one of those pizza days :)

The Kalivoda's said...

i love the pic of your cute pregnant belly!!!

Anonymous said...

Sigh... I loved seeing your handwriting. It looks exactly the same, and I miss you! And my kellogg too!

Susanlee said...

This calendar thing is a very good idea! I used to write down -everything- but I've gotten very lazy.

It looks like a bee stinger. Wasps don't lose theirs, and it sounds like you did everything just right! Super mom!