One of the songs we've sang to Judah since he was born is "I love you Judah" and it has calmed him down almost instantly. Eli LOVES singing it too but every time I try to record him he gets all shy or crazy. So... on the way home from the park I thought I would try and hide the camera between the seat and the head rest to film Eli. The only problem is that I was driving and couldn't see what I was filming... so you get to hear it but not see it. Hope it doesn't make you have motion sickness ;) It's really really sweet though.
Oh! And the first part Eli is singing "I love you Ebony" who's our dog. precious precious.
Everything Changes
Therefore do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I'm pretty sure...
I'm pretty sure I haven't been on in a good while! Yikes! So, here are 9 things that have happened that I can't wait to tell you about!
1. I have a new job! I'm going to be an elementary school counselor!
2. My car has been breaking down continually! As in, I would be driving down the road and it would literally STOP. Turn off. Not move. Completely die... while I was driving! I can't think of many things that are more dangerous than that.
3. Eli and Judah are growing like crazy! Judah is 8 months now and Eli is 2 years and 8 months!
4. I finally got to go on vacation with my family! Wes has been traveling all summer and had a little bit of time off and got to have some family time!
5. My sister graduated from college! SO proud of you Amy!
6. I took my first "bridal" shots for Meredith. It's a weird feeling taking someone else's picture and displaying them for people to see, but it was awesome overall!
7. I went to my 10 year high school reunion!
8. We got to spend some fun time with dear friends and their kids! Thank you Allen for having a FREE spray park!
9. I actually played tennis again. I wasn't terrible. But I defffffffinitely wasn't great! I need to get out there more often.
So... I'm going to try and be back! I missed you guys!
1. I have a new job! I'm going to be an elementary school counselor!
2. My car has been breaking down continually! As in, I would be driving down the road and it would literally STOP. Turn off. Not move. Completely die... while I was driving! I can't think of many things that are more dangerous than that.
3. Eli and Judah are growing like crazy! Judah is 8 months now and Eli is 2 years and 8 months!
4. I finally got to go on vacation with my family! Wes has been traveling all summer and had a little bit of time off and got to have some family time!
5. My sister graduated from college! SO proud of you Amy!
6. I took my first "bridal" shots for Meredith. It's a weird feeling taking someone else's picture and displaying them for people to see, but it was awesome overall!
7. I went to my 10 year high school reunion!
8. We got to spend some fun time with dear friends and their kids! Thank you Allen for having a FREE spray park!
9. I actually played tennis again. I wasn't terrible. But I defffffffinitely wasn't great! I need to get out there more often.
So... I'm going to try and be back! I missed you guys!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter
1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " 8Then they remembered his words.
9When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles.11But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened. Luke 24:1-12
9When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. 10It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles.11But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. 12Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened. Luke 24:1-12
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Babies, Tigers, and Hives Oh my!
Well it has been an eventful few weeks. We've gone through strep. We've gone through RSV. We've gone through colds. We've gone through allergies. Lots of little sickly things. I think everyone is on the mend now and hopefully will stay that way!
Judah turned 4 months old yesterday! I cannot believe it. He is almost rolling over from back to front (he's been doing front to back for awhile now) and has THE most adorable little laugh! Today I thought he was going to do a full on push up because he was in the midst of our beloved tummy time and he went into his own version of a yoga seal pose! Arms were straight and everything! He is such a strong baby! And he did not get sick one single time (thank you God!). I'm so in love with him! We go to his 4 month check up this week. I can't wait to go show him off!
My dad is the principal of Commerce High School and their mascot is a tiger. They had some sort of gathering and he got all painted up to show off his over the top school spirit. Eli was a little taken back at first but then he just wanted to stare at "tiger" Gramps! When dad washed his face off Eli kept saying, "where'd tiger go?" haha... so cute!
Now these dang hives are making me CRAZY! Eli had them the first time when he was around a year old I think and has had them a couple of times since then, but they have never been to this extreme. It's been like 8 straight days now. The first 5 were at least this bad but after we saw the allergist and he's been on 3 doses of different antihistamines every day they are no where near this extent.
We have no idea what the cause is and we may never know. They don't hurt him or itch so that is definitely a praise! But I can't stand them. Hopefully we can get this batch under control and figure out a way to keep them gone!
Judah turned 4 months old yesterday! I cannot believe it. He is almost rolling over from back to front (he's been doing front to back for awhile now) and has THE most adorable little laugh! Today I thought he was going to do a full on push up because he was in the midst of our beloved tummy time and he went into his own version of a yoga seal pose! Arms were straight and everything! He is such a strong baby! And he did not get sick one single time (thank you God!). I'm so in love with him! We go to his 4 month check up this week. I can't wait to go show him off!
My dad is the principal of Commerce High School and their mascot is a tiger. They had some sort of gathering and he got all painted up to show off his over the top school spirit. Eli was a little taken back at first but then he just wanted to stare at "tiger" Gramps! When dad washed his face off Eli kept saying, "where'd tiger go?" haha... so cute!
We have no idea what the cause is and we may never know. They don't hurt him or itch so that is definitely a praise! But I can't stand them. Hopefully we can get this batch under control and figure out a way to keep them gone!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Forced Family Time
**Hey friends! Last night after my husband's band played their gig in Houston, they went to eat. While they were eating their van was broken into and all of their bags were stolen (laptops, ipods, some wallets, you know... all that personal information!!) Anyways, please just say a little prayer that they get what is necessary to replace what was lost! Thanks guys!**
When we were growing up we ate pretty much all of our dinners together at home. Mom would cook and then Josh and I would take turns cleaning the kitchen... and I don't think we did that great of a job now that I think back on it. Well when we got into junior high and high school, we spent more and more time away from home doing whatever so when we were home, my parents established what I like to refer to as "forced family time."
I remember being in my room, minding my own business, Josh would be in his room, minding his own business, and I'm not sure where Amy was... but anyway, we would be in our various corners of the house and it would get close to around 7:00 I would hear my dad yell, "AMANDA! JOSH! Get in here!" And then after that happened a couple of times, Josh and I would drag ourselves out of our rooms and go sit in the living room.
That's it.
We would have to go sit in the living room with my parents and watch them watch TV. I would get so annoyed at this. I could not believe that they would make me leave the comforts of my favorite room and come literally SIT in the same room with them just to do nothing! *I would always just pretend that I didn't like whatever they were watching even though I really did, and would just sit with this look of disgust on my face. haha...*
My parents just wanted us to be in the same room as them because they loved us. So forced family time it was.
Well now I'm all grown up (haha) and make Eli and Judah come sit with me all the time and I know that I will continue to do that for many years to come!
So my parents invite Wes and I to dinner at their house with Amy and her boyfriend. They tell us they are cooking out and they have a fun activity planned for us. oh great...what in the world could this possible be?? We are always up for a free meal and hanging out with my folks so we went over there not having any idea what this "activity" was going to be.
We eat a delicious meal, have crazy good dessert, and then it's time for the activity to commence. My dad tells us that it is a game and that he is the MC. I roll my eyes thinking, oh no... this game will last forever!! haha... We make our way into the living room and my parents read us the rules. It's a game about how much we know about our family. You know, like random facts, where people were born, who they worked for, favorite colors, stuff like that. I LOVE this whole idea and I am beyond excited! It's Wes and I against Amy and Eric and we get $1 for every correct answer. Brilliant!
Amy and Eric get $4 to start off with because Eric hasn't been around that long and so they thought it wasn't fair to them. whatever :)
The game goes on, it is so much fun, dad asks really good questions and then some ridiculous questions and then it ends with my team with $10 and Amy's with $13 (let's not forget their $4 head start).
After that there is a part 2. A treasure hunt with 5 clues leading up to a prize. If any of you know my father, who wrote the clues, he is kind of long winded... especially in writing. So clue after clue was prefaced with about 3 sentences of encouragement and big words before you actually made it to the actual clue.
It was an absolute blast and ended with a gift card to the movies (YES!) and my parents house being slightly destroyed due to my sister's aggressiveness. :)
I loved every minute of it. It was the best "forced family time" yet. We missed you Josh!
When we were growing up we ate pretty much all of our dinners together at home. Mom would cook and then Josh and I would take turns cleaning the kitchen... and I don't think we did that great of a job now that I think back on it. Well when we got into junior high and high school, we spent more and more time away from home doing whatever so when we were home, my parents established what I like to refer to as "forced family time."
I remember being in my room, minding my own business, Josh would be in his room, minding his own business, and I'm not sure where Amy was... but anyway, we would be in our various corners of the house and it would get close to around 7:00 I would hear my dad yell, "AMANDA! JOSH! Get in here!" And then after that happened a couple of times, Josh and I would drag ourselves out of our rooms and go sit in the living room.
That's it.
We would have to go sit in the living room with my parents and watch them watch TV. I would get so annoyed at this. I could not believe that they would make me leave the comforts of my favorite room and come literally SIT in the same room with them just to do nothing! *I would always just pretend that I didn't like whatever they were watching even though I really did, and would just sit with this look of disgust on my face. haha...*
My parents just wanted us to be in the same room as them because they loved us. So forced family time it was.
Well now I'm all grown up (haha) and make Eli and Judah come sit with me all the time and I know that I will continue to do that for many years to come!
So my parents invite Wes and I to dinner at their house with Amy and her boyfriend. They tell us they are cooking out and they have a fun activity planned for us. oh great...what in the world could this possible be?? We are always up for a free meal and hanging out with my folks so we went over there not having any idea what this "activity" was going to be.
We eat a delicious meal, have crazy good dessert, and then it's time for the activity to commence. My dad tells us that it is a game and that he is the MC. I roll my eyes thinking, oh no... this game will last forever!! haha... We make our way into the living room and my parents read us the rules. It's a game about how much we know about our family. You know, like random facts, where people were born, who they worked for, favorite colors, stuff like that. I LOVE this whole idea and I am beyond excited! It's Wes and I against Amy and Eric and we get $1 for every correct answer. Brilliant!
Amy and Eric get $4 to start off with because Eric hasn't been around that long and so they thought it wasn't fair to them. whatever :)
The game goes on, it is so much fun, dad asks really good questions and then some ridiculous questions and then it ends with my team with $10 and Amy's with $13 (let's not forget their $4 head start).
After that there is a part 2. A treasure hunt with 5 clues leading up to a prize. If any of you know my father, who wrote the clues, he is kind of long winded... especially in writing. So clue after clue was prefaced with about 3 sentences of encouragement and big words before you actually made it to the actual clue.
It was an absolute blast and ended with a gift card to the movies (YES!) and my parents house being slightly destroyed due to my sister's aggressiveness. :)
I loved every minute of it. It was the best "forced family time" yet. We missed you Josh!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Getting defensive and getting Judah to sleep
But I'm entering into this whole new world of having 2 kids and it is bringing out all of these things in me that I didn't even know existed. Judah and Eli are completely different. Eli didn't mind his car seat, Judah hates it. Eli would fall asleep eating, Judah has to be put to sleep *more on that in a minute*. Eli had to have his diaper changed every 5 seconds it seemed like, Judah can handle much longer than that. Eli hated to be on his tummy, Judah almost exclusively sleeps on his. Eli was hardly ever burped and never spit up, Judah spits up all the time. The list truly can go on and on, but the biggest difference is that Eli did not cry much as a baby and Judah does.
Please hear me. Judah cries when he is tired, hungry, or needs to burp (which is frequent), but I know several friends who had babies that their crying almost seemed nonstop. I'm not trying to put myself in their category because I know their stress level in that area was much higher than mine and I don't want to make it seem like Judah never stops crying, but compared to Eli, he does cry much more.
With that said, Judah is darling. I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about this. He is so strong, so advanced in so many areas, and completely beautiful. Babies cry. Judah cries. And when people make comments about Judah crying I get all defensive and it makes me want to scratch their eyes out. That's not a healthy response (the scratch their eyes out thing anyway) but I totally do get so defensive when it's brought up, especially in comparison to Eli. No one is meaning any harm by it. No one is judging my baby. They are just merely making an out loud observation. I get that. I do...on the surface anyway. But within me, I just want to scream that there is nothing wrong with him and babies cry!
That whole Mama Bear thing is for real y'all! And I need to reign that in a bit! :) So, just as some therapy for me, I am admitting that yes Judah does cry more than Eli did. Yes, it can be more stressful to be around than Eli was at this age. And knowing that I have no control over what people say (and being very aware that they are not meaning it in any kind of hurtful way) I just need to have better control over the reaction it brings out in me.
So I get it mom. Thanks for defending Josh when I was being a bratty sister. He deserves it. :)
As I mentioned earlier, Judah has to be put to sleep. We have a variety of things we go through and one of them will eventually work.
We do the walk about: which is just holding him in a cradle position and walk kind of fast all over the house never making eye contact with him. haha...
We do the rocking chair: which is trying every position possible while rocking and trying to get him from squirming out of our arms.
We do the basketball drills: which is putting him on his tummy and patting his back hundreds of times (literally) until he is finally dead asleep
And on many occasions we do all 3! Most of the time we just have to do one for a couple of minutes and then he is out. Easy breezy. Most of the time...
Well yesterday afternoon he was being all squirmy and rubbing his eyes and he was completely exhausted. I tried my gamete of tricks and nothing was working. I really didn't know what to do. My giant 3 month old is getting super heavy and I couldn't walk him around anymore, rocking wasn't working, bouncing him wasn't working so I just let him lay in his crib and cry. Gasp!
I walked out of the room, opened my computer, went to Dr. Sears' website (that I adore!) , checked the clock, and started reading all of their articles on sleeping. I told myself I was going to let him cry for 5 minutes. My heart was racing. I hated every single second of those 5 minutes. I read the articles, calmed down, told myself he was fine, and let the 5 minutes pass.
After time was up, I went back in there, picked up my angel with a renewed sense of determination, walked around with him for like 1 minute and he was out. Whew!
I have no judgement towards parents that let their babies "cry it out" in bed. I just am not one of them. I think it might do more damage to my psyche than the baby's but I still just can't do it. Those 5 minutes were good for me to see that Judah was still fine (although upset) and that sometimes I might just need to refresh with a nice little article sometimes and then go back to parenting my baby to sleep.
And... I am almost positive he's teething. He chews on everything nonstop. He's drooling more than he is spitting up (is that even possible??) and I can see a little white speck at the front of his bottom gum. Why is he trying to grow up so fast? :)
I asked, and continue to ask, God to refine me. To teach me discipline. To give me patience. To learn to love like He does. I feel like He uses many moments with me trying to get Judah to sleep to do those things. I love that. I love that instead of using something else, I am being refined by such a sweet and fantastically wonderful baby.
And on a completely random note, does anyone know what plant this is? Sorry it's kind of fuzzy but I was driving by this house and took a picture. I felt like a huge creeper so I didn't get out of the car to take the pic but I really would love to know what this is. :)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
People get ready
Well, it's been over a month since I was last on here! Y'all, when Wes is gone it is so hard for me to get stuff done! And he's been gone a lot!
Ok, so people get ready. Here we go:
Today we're just trying out potty training with Eli. He's pretty much obsessed with potties but we've never really started anything with him about it. He is all about sitting on the potty (as of this posting he has been sitting there for about 18 minutes, and my son does not sit for anything!) and so we're making the most of it and seeing what happens!
I am fine with potty humor and stuff but constantly talking about pee pee and poo poo is already getting old. Uh oh. Today is only day 1! I've heard a million suggestions on how to make this all go down but honestly, who the heck knows! What works for one might not work for another! (hmm... he just got up and moved to Judah's bumbo seat... sigh...)
The most appealing advice to me was to just relax, not pressure him, and just take it as it comes. I can do that. It's Spring Break so we thought we might as well give it a shot!
Judah turned 3 months old this month! He is well into his 3-6 month clothes and I highly doubt he'll make it to 6 months in those clothes! He is so big y'all! I can't wait for his 4 month check up to see how much he has grown because it really seems like a lot!
We did experience the worst night of our entire lives last Wednesday. I don't think it was until Sunday evening that Wes and I finally got over it. I had been taking a nap with Judah on my bed. I woke up, left him in there (in the middle of course on his blanket) and went to play with Wes and Eli in the living room.
Every 10 minutes or so one of us goes and checks on Judah. Well we had heard him start to wake up and start talking a little bit so I got up to go get him. I walked in the door, the lights were off, it was dark, and then all of a sudden I hear the worst cry from Judah I had ever heard. I run over to the bed and he isn't there. He is laying on the floor screaming. Right as I walked in, Judah fell off of our very tall bed (at least 3 feet) and landed on our hard floor. I screamed and picked him up as fast as I could. Wes heard me, we flipped on the light, and saw 2 huge bumps on my sweet baby's head. One in front. One in back. He had hit his head twice. Sickening.
Wes called 911 and within a matter of minutes the ambulance was at our house and we were loading our 3 month old into his car seat and strapping him into the ambulance to go to the ER.
All the signs were good. He cried immediately. The bumps were hard and they were sticking out instead of not crying and his head being sunken in. They put ice on his head on the way to the hospital and he had calmed down. When we arrived, the bumps were almost completely gone and Judah was acting totally normal. The ER doctor said that he wouldn't have thought anything was wrong with him if we had just walked in from the street.
We learned many lessons that night. The most important being that our 3 month old rolls over. We put him on his tummy to sleep (it's pretty much the only way he will sleep) and he can scoot and roll now. Wes and I put him on him tummy and within a minute Judah flipped himself over.
I know God spared my eyes from actually seeing Judah fall from our bed. I don't think you can forget images like that and seeing him on the floor was bad enough. He is totally fine. Thank God he will not have to ever remember that, and Wes and I had upset stomachs for several days after that incident. Every once in awhile we would just look at him and start crying. Worst night ever.
Rachel got to come to town for a concert she was in and so we got to spend some time with her and Ellie! It was so much fun! It is kind of crazy how alike our kids are! From the way they say things, to their mannerisms, and their little attitudes they are so similar! We loved it!
And I also got to meet Ashley!! She came to town to visit her bestie and we all met up for breakfast! She is just as fantastic in person as she is on her blog and I loved it! She took a picture so when I get it it will be posted!
In other news, I'm still slowly losing weight, which is awesome. I'm getting back on my Chalean Extreme bandwagon this week since I fell off when Wes left. Look Like Heaven on Seven One Seven is still going!
Ok, so people get ready. Here we go:
Today we're just trying out potty training with Eli. He's pretty much obsessed with potties but we've never really started anything with him about it. He is all about sitting on the potty (as of this posting he has been sitting there for about 18 minutes, and my son does not sit for anything!) and so we're making the most of it and seeing what happens!
I am fine with potty humor and stuff but constantly talking about pee pee and poo poo is already getting old. Uh oh. Today is only day 1! I've heard a million suggestions on how to make this all go down but honestly, who the heck knows! What works for one might not work for another! (hmm... he just got up and moved to Judah's bumbo seat... sigh...)
The most appealing advice to me was to just relax, not pressure him, and just take it as it comes. I can do that. It's Spring Break so we thought we might as well give it a shot!
Judah turned 3 months old this month! He is well into his 3-6 month clothes and I highly doubt he'll make it to 6 months in those clothes! He is so big y'all! I can't wait for his 4 month check up to see how much he has grown because it really seems like a lot!
We did experience the worst night of our entire lives last Wednesday. I don't think it was until Sunday evening that Wes and I finally got over it. I had been taking a nap with Judah on my bed. I woke up, left him in there (in the middle of course on his blanket) and went to play with Wes and Eli in the living room.
Every 10 minutes or so one of us goes and checks on Judah. Well we had heard him start to wake up and start talking a little bit so I got up to go get him. I walked in the door, the lights were off, it was dark, and then all of a sudden I hear the worst cry from Judah I had ever heard. I run over to the bed and he isn't there. He is laying on the floor screaming. Right as I walked in, Judah fell off of our very tall bed (at least 3 feet) and landed on our hard floor. I screamed and picked him up as fast as I could. Wes heard me, we flipped on the light, and saw 2 huge bumps on my sweet baby's head. One in front. One in back. He had hit his head twice. Sickening.
Wes called 911 and within a matter of minutes the ambulance was at our house and we were loading our 3 month old into his car seat and strapping him into the ambulance to go to the ER.
All the signs were good. He cried immediately. The bumps were hard and they were sticking out instead of not crying and his head being sunken in. They put ice on his head on the way to the hospital and he had calmed down. When we arrived, the bumps were almost completely gone and Judah was acting totally normal. The ER doctor said that he wouldn't have thought anything was wrong with him if we had just walked in from the street.
We learned many lessons that night. The most important being that our 3 month old rolls over. We put him on his tummy to sleep (it's pretty much the only way he will sleep) and he can scoot and roll now. Wes and I put him on him tummy and within a minute Judah flipped himself over.
I know God spared my eyes from actually seeing Judah fall from our bed. I don't think you can forget images like that and seeing him on the floor was bad enough. He is totally fine. Thank God he will not have to ever remember that, and Wes and I had upset stomachs for several days after that incident. Every once in awhile we would just look at him and start crying. Worst night ever.
Rachel got to come to town for a concert she was in and so we got to spend some time with her and Ellie! It was so much fun! It is kind of crazy how alike our kids are! From the way they say things, to their mannerisms, and their little attitudes they are so similar! We loved it!
And I also got to meet Ashley!! She came to town to visit her bestie and we all met up for breakfast! She is just as fantastic in person as she is on her blog and I loved it! She took a picture so when I get it it will be posted!
In other news, I'm still slowly losing weight, which is awesome. I'm getting back on my Chalean Extreme bandwagon this week since I fell off when Wes left. Look Like Heaven on Seven One Seven is still going!
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