Monday, April 30, 2007

My first onesie

Wow. Today was an interesting day. First of all, I ended up telling all my kids at work about me being pregnant. So many of them were asking me about it off to the side that I decided to tell them. They were absolutely precious! They were so excited when I told them!! It was so cute!

Today I also decided to play in the student/faculty tennis tournament...hmmm...not so sure that was the best decision! When we finished losing I was so tired I didn't even know what to do. During that last match I don't even remember running at all I was so out of it. I grabbed some dinner with Liz, went home, let Ebony out and fell fast asleep.

Now to the good stuff. Liz bought me my first onesie today. It is absolutely adorable! It's a teeny tiny white one that says "party in my crib 2 a.m." Isn't that adorable? I took it out to look at a second time later on that day and I became really emotional. My eyes filled up with tears as I held this little bity outfit and I just became so in awe. I was just so in awe that I'm going to have a little bity person to fit into this little bity outfit, and it's going to be mine. Mine. Wow. Now that's something to to talk about. I think for the first time I really envisioned a baby... I still just have it laying out on my chair in my living room just to look at. I love it! And I think I'm really going to love being a mom to this baby!

Well, it's 10:20...I've been awake for about 20 minutes and I'm still a bit delusional...time for bed again. Thank you Liz for my first onesie! Goodnight.


A Mere Thought said...


"You are the God who sees me," -Genesis 16:13

You know what I think? God, in His awesome, loving way, gave you that onesie to whisper to you that 'He Sees'. He sees that you are worried and scared and excited and anxious.....He sees. And, he wants you to know that he is watching you and your baby!

C said...

I'm not too chicken to admit it - I used to put the onesie across my shoulder like I was holding/burping my not-yet-born baby ... and sniff the lid to some baby lotion. ha! OH - and cry!