Friday, September 21, 2007

26 Weeks!

Goodness. I'm officially beginning the end of the second trimester. I seriously cannot believe that I'm going to be considered as a third trimester gal pretty soon! What is going on? haha... this is happening way too fast! :) picture. :( I'll be with my friend Meredith tonight so maybe she can take on that I can post!

Another thing that is not going so well are my eating habits! I swear, it's like these past 2 weeks I have felt like I was starving! So, I've been eating! I was reading that obviously you have hormone fluctuations all throughout pregnancy and that those can contribute to appetite increases...but where are the hormones to contribute to appetite decreases? Or at least stabilizers?! hahaha... Well, I promised Eli I am going to make sure that even if I'm eating more than I possibly should be that I would at least eat the right foods. So, I'm going to do a little less self indulgence for a week and see how that goes. :)

Right after school today I'm going to Waco to do a skit with The Skit Guys! I have so much fun when I do stuff like that! Meredith is seriously saving the day for going with me! I am so glad she's going! It's going to be a great night!

Also, be thinking of our other best friend Rachel tonight! Her band, Branch, is having their CD release party. She's pregnant too and is around 10 weeks, so you know how she might be a little more tired than usual!

I'll get Mere to bring her camera and get some pics posted! :) Happy Friday!


Unknown said...'re going to Waco..that's pretty much where I'm family is in Lorena..15 miles S of Waco. I also remember seeing the Skit Guys back in high school at a Disciple Now? I think..anyways they were amazing!

Susanlee said...

I am so jealous of your night with The Skit Guys! That sounds so fun!!

GloryandGrace said...

Aww, Amanda!! I don't actually remember how I came across your blog (do you have myspace or facebook?), but Hello!! I'm so excited for you as you enter the last stretch of your pregnancy and all the changes that will start to occur. You're in my thoughts and prayers!!

Grace and peace,
Glory&Grace (JB)